【FXT】2022 Formosa Xtreme Triathlon III 台灣極限鐵人三項賽 勇敢追夢的逐夢者

Описание к видео 【FXT】2022 Formosa Xtreme Triathlon III 台灣極限鐵人三項賽 勇敢追夢的逐夢者



在這場總海拔爬升近7000公尺,在一天內可以體會到如四季變換的劇烈氣溫變化,FXT 被視為世界最難鐵人三項之一
完成自己在撕下號碼布時許下的承諾 #seeyouatthetop


他們是勇敢追逐夢想的追夢者,更是Formosa Xtreme Triathlon的勇士。

How much are you willing to sacrifice for success? How many failures are you willing to endure for one moment of success? Can you march forward, fully aware of the treacherous path ahead, without hesitation?
In this race with a total elevation gain of nearly 7000 meters, where you experience extreme temperature variations akin to the changing seasons all within a single day, FXT is considered one of the world's toughest triathlons. During the event, competitors must endure physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion that verges on collapse. They persevere with the remnants of their willpower, all for the sake of hearing the finisher's bell ring atop the mountain, fulfilling the promise they made when they pinned on their race bibs: #seeyouatthetop.
Here, we witness the cries of those who fall to the ground in exhaustion, the triumphant shouts of those who reclaim the mountaintop, and the tears of regret from those filled with a sense of unfinished business. These are the moving stories of triathletes, each one a unique and captivating tale.
The path ahead is treacherous, yet they march forward without hesitation. They are dream chasers, courageous souls who relentlessly pursue their aspirations, and above all, they are the warriors of the Formosa Xtreme Triathlon.
-2022 Formosa Xtreme Triathlon

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