Verdun- Shell Shock

Описание к видео Verdun- Shell Shock

FOR ALL THE PEOPLE POSTING REPETITIVE COMMENTS: "A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom." (Bob Dylan). I don't agree with censorship and I will always support freedom of speech and expression. Some people have asked me why I don't delete the entire video because it's being "tarnished" by puerile "games", which are an example of freedom of speech used in a questionable way. I don't want to delete this video because it's not at all about "games". It's about suffering and struggling to live with a mental illness. Imagine yourself in these poor men's shoes for one moment, you'll understand what I mean. I am sorry for you, but I will delete from now any repetitive, meaningless, spam-like comments.

"In World War I, shell shock was considered a psychiatric illness resulting from injury to the nerves during combat. The horrors of WWI trench warfare meant that about 10% of the fighting soldiers were killed (compared to 4.5% during World War II) and the total proportion of troops who became casualties (killed or wounded) was 56%. Whether a shell-shock sufferer was considered "wounded" or "sick" depended on the circumstances. The large proportion of WWI veterans in the European population meant that the symptoms were common to the culture, although it may not have become popularly known in the US. Many generals considered those who suffered shell shock to be cowards, and a large number were executed."

Clips from the documentary films: "Les grandes batailles- Verdun aux portes de l'enfer" and "La Premiere Guerre Mondiale-Verdun, le cauchemar".
Original song:Mother's Journey-Yann Tiersen. I had to replace it due to copyright issues. The present song is Melancholia by Christopher Slaski.


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