Review Simply Charlotte Mason

Описание к видео Review Simply Charlotte Mason

Wondering if the Simply Charlotte Mason curriculum would work for your student? SPED Homeschool Review Crew member Neches Phelps shares her review of this product as well as ideas for how to accommodate this curriculum when using it with various levels of learners.

You can find this curriculum on the Simply Charlotte Mason site by using this link:

Here are the details of this review:

General Information
Curriculum Developer – Simply Charlotte Mason
Elementary Arithmetic I Website Link and Free Sample
Discovering What God Has Made Grades 1-3 Website Link and Free Sample
Enrichment Studies 2 Website Link and Free Sample
Music Study with the Masters Website Link and Free Sample
Picture Portfolios: Van Gogh Website Link and Free Sample
Visits to the Middle East Website Link and Free Sample
Grade Level Scope: Lower elementary
Subject Covered: All-in-One
Cost Range: More than $200
Supplemental Material Cost: More than $200
Format: Physical product
Religious content: Yes

Basic Features
Methodology: Charlotte Mason
Learning Styles Utilized: Visual, Auditory, interpersonal, Verbal, Intrapersonal, and Tactile
Intelligences Utilized: Music, Logic, Pictures, Words, Nature, Relationships, and Contemplation
Teaching Styles Utilized: Multi-Disciplinary, Independent Work, Open-ended, and Living Books
Common Core: Unknown
Accredited: Unknown
Teacher Helps: Less than average

Product Description
Font Size: Average
Pictures: Average
Binding: Soft cover
Lessons Included: Varies from subject to subject
Intended Curriculum Usage Length: 1 year
Types of Assessments: Open ended questions

Amount of Handwriting Required: Less than average
Possible Assistive Technology Modifications: Typing and Speech-to-Text
Executive Functioning Concerns: Many pages, books, or pieces to keep track of and loosely organized and requires student/teacher planning and organizing
Types of student assistance may be needed for a struggling student – Teacher reading text, teacher scribing writing, teacher typing for student and/or teacher intervention for a student with visual impairment
Average Length of Lessons: 15 – 20 minutes
Concentration Level Required: More than average
Modifiable by Lengthening Out Lessons: Fairly easy for parent to do
Language Complexity: Average

Specific Disabilities
Math – Uses concrete examples to teach abstract concepts

SPED Homeschool Review Crew Feedback
What was the one thing that most impressed you about this curriculum?
Parent Autonomy. Parents are given complete freedom to build their own curriculum from selected resources and guides.

What should parents of children with learning needs be aware of when looking into this curriculum?
This program provides a great deal of parent choice. How accommodating this curriculum is depends primarily on your selections as a parent.

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