Suffering from Anxiety? Use These 5 Anti-Anxiety Weapons and Free Yourself

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“Today I escaped anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions — not outside.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Anxiety is not new to the 21st century.

Many sages of the old have written about it. I like the above quote because it reminds us that anxiety is not some outside force wielding its power over us but something within us - something we control.

Today, or rather yesterday, as I’m writing this post at 5 a.m., I felt anxiety creeping up on me again. It often comes at the most inopportune times, like right as you lay in bed, ready for a good night’s sleep. In the old days, this would have ruined my night. I would think about all my problems and get carried away in thought. I have learned, however, that is the last thing I want to do. I’m not solving anything at 10 p.m.

I’m no anxiety virgin anymore.

I haven’t been in a while. I am battle-hardened, with scars to prove it. Over the years, I have built a powerful arsenal of anti-anxiety weapons. I carry them with me wherever I go. Today, I will share the blueprints with you, dear reader, hoping you can build such an arsenal for yourself.

“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

The anti-anxiety axe

Cut the train of thought, leaving no room for negotiation. Divide the line of time with one deadly sweep of the axe and sever yourself from the future.

Stay firmly in the present moment.

When those thoughts creep up, I stop them in their tracks. I simply refuse to think about whatever is bothering me at this moment in time. I shall deal with it tomorrow. Today, I am only interested in sleeping, and I know that I will be of a better mind in the morning. It can and it will wait. 

Sometimes, it can help to mentally set these troubles and thoughts on your nightstand, consciously deciding that you will pick them back up tomorrow, knowing that nothing will be lost or forgotten. 

I do not allow myself to engage in potential scenarios or look for solutions. That will prevent my sleep. There is a time and a place for that, but it is not now. Today only. As far as I’m concerned, there is no yesterday and no tomorrow.

I don’t fight my mind.

I gently and effortlessly but continuously acknowledge what it is doing and revert my attention to the present moment and an empty mind. There is no struggle here, no violence or arguing, only absolute commitment and perseverance, with lots of patience. 

You can use whatever helps you ground your mind in the present moment. As long as you’re not thinking, you’ll be okay. Go exercise, make love, meditate through a focus on emptying your mind, or wash the bloody dishes. It doesn’t matter.

Focus on the present moment. Anxiety cannot live in the now.

As cliche as that sounds, it is the truth. Whatever you do, the future is off-limits! Scream to yourself: “NO!” or “STOP” if necessary. Internally would be best, though. You don’t want to end up in a straight jacket.

The laughing anti-anxiety flamethrower

When your mind is infested with anxiety-ridden thoughts, burn them at their source, and they will wither and die.

Know that your mind and your mind alone causes your anxiety.

There is no outside force tormenting you. It’s that little voice inside your head. You can listen to that voice and worry, fret, and plan, or choose to ignore it. What? Yes - that is an actual option.

Acknowledge that you are having anxious thoughts, but don’t follow them.

You can even label them as “thought, sound, image” when they appear in your mind. Then, you immediately revert your attention to silence or nothingness!

You can learn to notice your thoughts ( trying to make you anxious and distance yourself. At that stage, you can laugh at the inner voice and be completely unbothered by whatever the mind is trying to tell you. Similar to how you would smile at a rambling child playing make-believe who doesn’t know what they’re saying. Despite the sounds and violent actions, you know none of it is real, and more importantly, none of it matters.

Once you are able to catch your mind before it manages to ruin your mood, see it for what it is - an illusion, echoes of past days, neurons firing pointlessly - you will have no problem detaching from it, and you won’t care about it anymore. From that moment onward, you are free from your mind!

The anti-anxiety tank with advanced radar

Focus on understanding your anxiety better. Use the tank of self-examination to plow through anxiety-infested enemies and repel all fear-laden bullets. 

If anxiety begins showing its ugly teeth during the day, I take out my notebook and start a writing process. I allow my anxiety to express itself fully, observing my emoti...


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