The importance of Tibetan Buddhist debate

Описание к видео The importance of Tibetan Buddhist debate

Monastic debate is of critical importance in traditional Tibetan Buddhist learning. Through debate, nuns and monks test and consolidate their classroom learning with the motivation of ending suffering for all sentient beings.

This video which is excerpted from a longer video made by the nuns themselves, talks about the importance of debate for the nuns at Dolma Ling Nunnery in northern India. The video was made prior to the completion of the debate courtyard at the nunnery, which provides a large, covered space for the nuns to practice, even in the heaviest of monsoon rains.

In addition to their daily debate practice, each year in India, hundreds of Tibetan Buddhist nuns from nunneries in India and Nepal gather for a special event called the "Jang Gonchoe". This annual inter-nunnery debate takes place each autumn and is a critical part of the nuns' education. Prior to 1995, this form of learning was only open to monks, not nuns. The Tibetan Nuns Project, with the wonderful support of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, played a critical role in opening up this learning opportunity to women.

The Jang Gonchoe debate session provides a tremendous opportunity for the nuns to practice this ancient form of learning. For many, it an essential component of working towards higher academic degrees, such as the Geshema degree, equivalent to a doctorate in Tibetan Buddhism.

To preserve the tradition of Tibetan Buddhist debate and ensure that annual inter-nunnery debate will continue to take place, the Tibetan Nuns Project has set up an endowment fund for the Jang Gonchoe. Support of the endowment will help to preserve the Tibetan culture as well as open up a centuries-old tradition to the nuns, enabling and empowering them to become great teachers in their own right. The benefit of this is inestimable and will be an enduring legacy for generations to come. Learn more at:


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