THE LIBER VETUSTISSIMUS - Browsing Facsimile Editions (4K / UHD)

Описание к видео THE LIBER VETUSTISSIMUS - Browsing Facsimile Editions (4K / UHD)

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The Liber vetustissimus statutorum et aliarum rerum memorabilium Veteris Urbis Pragensia is the oldest city chronicle from Central Europe. The first records date back to 1310 and include copies of documents and privileges of the Old Town, municipal revenues and editions, statutes of craft guilds, records of city council decisions, records on the grant of burgher law, and more. The entries cover events in Prague from the 14th to the 16th centuries and are written mostly in Latin, but there are also entries in German and Czech. This great tome is a living chronicle that was updated with contemporary events rather than being written in retrospect, which is partially reflected in the evolution of the languages used.

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