Ramble FX Marvel Drive Review (HD Direct in audio) V2

Описание к видео Ramble FX Marvel Drive Review (HD Direct in audio) V2

EDIT: The Bright knob as stated in the video is in actuality called "High Treble". I have no idea where I saw "Bright"... hahah!

This is the V2 version of the pedal without the internal 18v pump and larger knob for the presence.

What an amazing little pedal this is! One of the best Marshall's in a box I've ever gotten my hands on; very versatile, but also able to do 'that sound' with absolute ease.

Although this pedal probably wasn't meant or designed to be run directly into a sound card, the result is pretty awesome with some tweaking! I'm sure running it into an actual amp would be a lot simpler and more 'correct' then my approach, but this is my favorite way to record unfortunately, haha!

Pedal was run directly into the M-audio and then out to a chain of VST effects that included a Power amp Simulator, Cab simulator with Greenback IRs loaded, an eq setup to take out about -1db of 500 and 1k in the midrange, +1db at 4k, and +1db at 150hz (if this was on a real amp, I'd honestly probably just use the amp's tone controls and not mess with an eq as the pedal doesn't really need a LOT of tone shaping), then finally into a reverb.

Guitar used is a ESP LTD Gl200SBT with stock pups and bridge.

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