LotR: Star of Earendil

Описание к видео LotR: Star of Earendil

The song "The Star of Earendil" from the Lord of the Rings Musical, recorded by the original London cast.
Star of Earendil, look
down, hear our cry.
ever shining perfect light, emblazon the sky.
Heed us as to thee we sing,
Enlighten us in the hope you bring.
Guide our way and aid us from on high.


Arwen & Elves-
A ned lu rasc-dae, i
maeglin gorn lin tol. i
ecthel hen lin sila
orthor i vor.
Hammo men ni lin caun
a caro estel vin thand
A tiro men, o lin cair an nor
Lacho ammen, lacho calad
Earendil-naur, ir men
beri-al ned lu beleg baur!*

O Earendil
Guide us on our way
Keep our hearts true
O Earendil
Heed us as we call to you.
O Earendil
O Earendil
Head us as we call to you.
O Earendil.

Lead us ever onward,
Our weary hope sustaining
Now strengthen our endeavour
Our purpose unite.
Clothe us in your courage,
Your hope become our armour
Your wisdom be our banner of light

Elbereth Gilthoniel, look
Down, hear our cry.
May the stars that once you kindled ever
Burnish the sky.
Shining ever bright
Your hope and your healing light.
Guide our way and aid us from on high
O Elbereth
Hear our cry!

Earendil Elcirion
Chaered palan-diriel aiya
Earendil Elcirion!
Mi giliath**

Wandering the Empty Road
In Twilight Silver Shade
Following the Hidden Paths
Alone and Unafraid
Let the Sunlight free the Heart
Forever Bound to Roam
And Let the Waking Morning Find
The Weary Traveler Returning Home

*(O in time of peril shadow, the sharp gleam of thy valour comes, the spearpoint of thy eye shines, vanquishes the might. Clothe us in thy courage, and make hope our shield, and guard us, from thy ship above the land! Flame for us, flame (o) light of Earendil's fire, when us thou protectest in time of great need.)

**(Earendil, star mariner, we gaze to your remote glory, behold. Earendil, star-mariner, amid the starry host.)


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