Icecrown Citadel - 30 Second Guides - All Bosses - Normal

Описание к видео Icecrown Citadel - 30 Second Guides - All Bosses - Normal

30 Second Boss Guides for the ICC (Icecrown Citadel) raid. Normal mode guides this time!

Support my patreon if you found these helpful :)   / fartsgaming  

0:00 Lord Marrowgar
00:33 Lady Deathwisper
01:41 Gunship
02:24 Deathbringer Saurfang
03:08 Festergut
03:53 Rotface
04:38 Professor Putricide
06:16 Blood Prince Council
07:18 Blood-Queen Lana'thel
07:59 Valithria Dreamwalker
08:47 Sindragosa
09:57 The Lich King
12:19 Cheers

Wanna step into heroic? Go watch some of Joardees videos for waaaay more in depth videos:    • ICC First Week Guide - Tips inside!  


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