Well the Prince has basically no lore at all! So let's use this opportunity to talk about one of the greatest threats to the Warcraft universe, the Burning Legion, as well as talk about Malchezaar's lore!
Skip artist section- 1:47
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Joe Madureira: Prince Malchezaar
Grace Liu: Prince Malchezaar
James Ryman: Medivh the Guardian, C'thun HS
Alex Horley: Sargeras and the Legion eye up Azeroth, Shadowform, Great Dark Beyond, Sargeras the Titan, The Pantheon, Sargeras VS Demons, Gul'Dan, Defender of Argus, Velen in Shadowmoon, Jaraxxus, Pit Lord, Succubus, Deathwing, Demon horde
Zoltan & Gabor: Holy Light, Gorehowl HS
Zoltan Boros: A Light in the Darkness
Dave Allsop: Twisting Nether, Bottled Void
Chippy: Crouching Dreadlord
Joe Wilson: Dreadlord casting Magic
Luca Zontini: Life Tap
Tom Baxa: Dreadlord around molten ground, Mo'arg
Mike Sass: Worthless Imp, Abyssal hero power
Peter Lee: Elemental Lords, Sea Giants, Zin Azshari, Titans in the clouds, Sargeras Cleaves world, Sargeras and the Legion, Karazhan, Dalaran
T Jacobs: Kazgoroth, Norgannon, Archimonde with fel
Hipnosworld: Sargeras fan model
Jeremy McHugh: Frayed Void Walker
Gimaldinov: "Void Lord"
Dany Orizio: Shivarra
Samwise Didier: Aggramar, Y'Shaarj, Aman'thul
Dan Scott: Burning Legion, Abyssal, Captain Greenskin
Kojtu: Giant C'thun
Tooth: Yogg Saron
Tyson Murphy: N'Zoth
Joel Lagerwall: The Dark Titan, Sargeras aflame
Berggren: Eonar
Skan Srisuwan: Void Crusher
Mauricio Herrera: Spreading Madness
Jaemin Kim: Imp-Losion
Matt Cavotta: Fel Imp
Sojin Hwang: Wrath Guard
Raymond Swanland: Demonwrath, Alexstrasza, Chillmaw, Medivh HS
Howard Lyon: The Exodar
Jaime Jones: Solemn Vigil
Michael Komarck: Velen casting spell
Ruan Jia: Kil'Jaeden, Screaming Kil'Jaeden
Konzalaev Sergei: Archimonde
Wei Wang: Velen HS, Kil'Jaeden in flames
Efrem Palacios: Draenei Shaman
Yangchao Yu: Maraad
Eduardo Garcia: Grey Sargeras
Paulo Henrique S. B.: Velen using the light
Ralph Horsley: Man'ari
Chris pang: Velen leaves
Ludo Lullabi and Tony Washington: Velen with Crystal
Glenn Rane: Draenei, Light's Justice, Grommash Hellsream
Jim Nelson: Archimonde Rain of fire
Chris Metzen: Eredar pencil work
Greg Capullo: Doomguard
Peter Stapleton: Malchezaar's Imp
Ian Ameling: Baron Geddon
Wayne Reynolds: Cairne Bloodhoof
Thorsten Erdt: Gorehowl
Gonzalo Ordonez: Atiesh
Jakub Kasper: Archimonde purple hands
Ed Moffatt: Channel Art
Music from World of Warcraft Soundtrack:
The Tomb of Sargeras
Kingdoms Will Burn
A World Divided
James: Script, Voice Over, Video edit
Chard: Script Edit
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