Silence Of The Lambs Book (1998) vs Silence Of The Lambs Movie (1991)

Описание к видео Silence Of The Lambs Book (1998) vs Silence Of The Lambs Movie (1991)

Comparing The Silence Of The Lambs from 1991 to it's source novel of the same name from 1988 by Thomas Harris. The movie is a pretty solid adaptation of the book, no surprise there, but there are enough differences worth noting. Sit back, relax, put your lotion in the basket, and enjoy this book to movie comparison.

0:00 “mets la lotion dans le panier”
0:30 Intro
2:14 Hannibal Lecter
7:19 Clarice Starling
10:57 Jack Crawford
12:10 Jame Gumb (Buffalo Bill)
14:06 Random Fun Thoughts
15:27 Other Little Differences
16:07 Conclusion

Darla the dog

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