Google Trends Tutorial l How To Use It

Описание к видео Google Trends Tutorial l How To Use It

What is Google Trends and how to use it for your marketing strategy? In this video we'll go through this free tool from Google, highlighting its most interestign features and how you can take advantage of it to create your keyword research and content plan.

Google Trends is a free Google resource that allows us to know what terms users are searching for. We can use it to plan the structure of our website, improve SEO, get ideas for content and much more, so we'll see how Google Trends works and how to use this tool to create more relevant and successful content.

00:00 - Introduction
00:32 - What is Google Trends
01:10 - How to use Google Trends (tutorial)
02:00 - Data and Algorithm
02:42 - Example of a search in Google Trends
03:20 - How should you use Google Trends for your SEO strategy?
04:08 - Comparative function of Google Trends
04:45 - Geographic targeting with Google Trends' heat map
05:15 - Farewell

Inbound Explained by Cyberclick is a YouTube series dedicated to all things Inbound Marketing. From tutorials to quick tips and tricks, if it’s about Inbound, we’re explaining it. We’ll help you become an Inbound Marketing expert.

Cyberclick is a digital marketing and advertising agency specialized in online campaigns. We use results-oriented strategies to develop successful Inbound Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Ads, Native Advertising and Performance Marketing campaigns.

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