Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster (PC) - Final Boss and Ending

Описание к видео Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster (PC) - Final Boss and Ending

Time to put the crazy clown to sleep.

So, this fight is divided into 4 parts, as we climb up the awesome tower of Gods to reach Kefka at the heavens. You must assemble the order in which your characters will fight, and if anybody is KOed once a floor is cleared, they'll be left behind and the other character(s) in the sequence will replace them. I only use a single team because those are my favorite characters to use.

The first floor we face, well, Face, Long Arm and Short Arm (the remaster gives them "better" names but I like the old ones). The arms do some physical attacks, while Face can do some annoying Sap, petrify and reverse rows in your formation. If the arms are killed first, when Face dies he'll counter with Quake, which does high damage on everyone without float. Face is weak to fire, Long Arm is weak to petrification so it dies instantly, and then I leave Short Arm for last as it flaunts around and dies.

Next floor, there's 4 enemies: Magic, Hit, Tools and Tiger.
Magic as the name implies can deploy all sorts of magic attacks, from damage like -Ga level spells of every element, to Slow, Stop and whatnot. It can also counter attacks once its HP falls a certain amount with Graviga and Dispel, which is pretty annoying. Silence completely shuts it down forever.

Hit just does a ton of physical attacks, and when it dies, it lashes out with 10 attacks in a row. They are rather weak but if you get caught up on Graviga it can be deadly. You can bypass those by casting Golem, or having lots of defense.

Tools can use all sorts of laser attacks. You can shut it down with Stop so it's never a problem.

Tiger is the most dangerous because it has tons of powerful attacks, and can freeze characters. Frozen characters can be thawed with fire spells on your own party. Kill it ASAP.

Next tier, there's only Lady and Rest. The trick here is that, Lady keeps casting White Wind to heal Rest, and if Rest dies, she'll just bring him back with Arise, so she must die first - except she absorbs all elements, so use non-elemental magic or physical attacks. As for Rest, he keeps throwing very powerful magic like Meteor and Meltdown (which will also heal Lady if she's still alive), though fire protection effectively neuters the later; and Trine, a spell that causes Blind and Silence to everyone. When he's killed, he'll use the skill Repose once or twice, which simply kills whoever it hits bypassing death immunity. Having Golem active prevents it, as well as Blink status or Invisible - and you can also use Reraise on yourself if you want.

The Tower of Gods can be a little frustrating if you just throw AoE damage haphazardly. As you can see, each tier has mechanics that can wipe one or more characters from your party if you aren't expecting them regardless of level (well, besides Face's Quake).

Then here comes the big clown himself. Kefka's first turn is always Heartless Angel, which drops everyone's HP to 1. Kefka mostly throws elemental magic, can also cast Trine, Havoc Wing does very high physical damage to a single target, and later on he can counter attacks with Hyperdrive, which deals very high non-elemental magic damage to a single target, and once he's low on HP, Ultima, which is deadly, and cast Meteor. When the face appears, he'll charge Forsaken, which is a fairly weak attack if your characters have Shell active. While he's charging, he won't counter anymore, so the trick is to wait him to get into that state before attacking.

FF6 isn't a hard game, and any sort of party may work, as long as you understand the gimmicks. You can comfortably beat the final boss at Lv30. Terra with Ultima and Soul of Thamasa will bring destruction, Locke can do some mean damage with Master's Scroll and Valiant Knife at low HP (perfect for Heartless Angel), Celes was my emergency healer (not that I really needed it), and Sabin is support with massive damage with Phantom Rush. Ribbons on everyone prevents the possibility of Trine ruining your party.

And that's all of the PRs done! Finally!

Final Fantasy VI (Pixel Remaster)
2022, Square-Enix
All rights reserved to their respective creators.


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