Do I Need an NFA Gun Trust?

Описание к видео Do I Need an NFA Gun Trust?

An area of law you may not know our firm can help you with includes: gun trusts.

If you or a family member owns or is considering purchasing an NFA firearm (these are also known as title II weapons and include: machine guns, short-barreled shotgun, short-barreled rifle, and silencers/suppressors), a gun trust may be a good option.

A gun trust allows the owner of the firearm(s) to be the gun trust instead of an individual. Within the trust, multiple trustees can be designated to own and use the weapon(s). This could be beneficial in several incidences for example:
Within a family to allow ease of use and ownership between parties.
Estate planning purposes where the NFA item(s) would remain in the trust and would not have to go through probate.
If a trustee were to become incapacitated another co-trustee could take possession and properly handle the NFA item(s).

Check out our latest video where Nate Whitaker explains further!

There are huge penalties for improperly registering or unlawfully possessing NFA firearms! Contact Nate at The Franchise & Business Law Group to make sure your gun trust is set up properly: (801) 575-5001
[email protected]


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