The Loft | Canal Road | South City | Ludhiana | Traveller Kicks

Описание к видео The Loft | Canal Road | South City | Ludhiana | Traveller Kicks

The Loft | Canal Road | South City | Ludhiana | Traveller Kicks

I'm Sukhkiran and I make videos about unique destinations.
I travel to different lands in search of culture, history and my favorite wildlife.

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#travellerkicks, #sukhkiransinghtoor, #travellerkicksbysukh,
#theloft, #Southcityludhiana, #bestcafe, #bestcafeinludhiana, #rooftoprestaurantsludhiana, #ludhianabestspots, #ludhianabestrestaurent, #bestfoodplaceludhiana, #nearestplacesludhiana, #kalsangludhiana, #lakehouseludhiana, #theborgo, #theloftludhiana,


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