Why Men Resist Becoming Providers

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I was asked in the Patreon live chat “why so many men nowadays resist being providers” and we had an interested conversation around the topic So I thought I’d share with you some insights from this conversation.
And btw If you are interested in becoming part of these conversations and learning from them, make sure to check out the first tier of Patreon that I created specifically to give access to the chat.
Ok so, It all started from the argument that every man in a relationship with a feminine relaxed woman would step up and become a provider because of polarity.
And of course I don’t believe that is true at all.
I believe that non-providers will display a lot of resistance becoming providers because whatever caused them to be non-providers is well ingrained and programmed in their minds so a woman stepping into her feminine will not magically deprogram that.
The question was asked as to is it because of limiting beliefs or because of lack of motivation and laziness, that maybe they just don’t want to work harder and make more money and they prefer to relax chill and remain in their comfort zone.
And there might be some of that at play,
But my answer was
But I believe the main reasons for men to resist becoming providers is because many of these men nowadays have a poverty mindset and/or were raised with feminist values (having a feminist mother for example).
Because even when some of them manage to acquire some wealth, they refuse to provide despite having the ability to do so...?
I have seen experienced it myself and one of my patreons mentioned reading stories like that.

So laziness and wanting to be in their comfort zone is just a first line of defense, because only when they get some money can you judge if they are providers and if they have a provider mindset.
Because when they stop being lazy and they start working hard and making money...some of them still don't provide for the reasons previously mentioned (1. poverty mindset thye think to themselves "I worked very hard for every penny"
or feminism thinking to themselves " you can go and make your own money, why would I pay".

when men don't grow up with provider mindset it's hard for them to become providers and I feel the way they could become is not through working harder but is through their mindset, of understanding the value of being a provider as opposed to saving his money.

Of course lazy men put themselves in a non-provider place so that they don't even need to explain why they are saving their money.

and so when these men become rich ( we shall call tbhem the nez rich) and refuse to provide, that is because they still carry with them poverty mindset.
have you ever heard of the expression " poor with money "?, to me a new rich man refusing to provide still has poverty mindset and 'fears' to spend his money on the wrong woman or that she is with him only for his money
And lastly there was a question about my opinion on women having an issue with men providing and hating on women who are provided for
My answer weas that I think it comes down to their trauma of having had to step up and take care of themselves because there was no man around to do that ( sometimes its generational trauma transmitted from mother/grandmother ) and/or deep down they know that if they opened up themselves to the possibility of being provided for, they may not like the feedback they may get...they may not be successful at attracting a provider. So to be safe, they unconsciously prefer to hate on provider men and women being provided for because they suspect they don't have that option if they were open to it.
What ia have always preached is to not try to make something out of a man that he is not in the first place or he clearly does not have the pre requisite to become. I tried it in relationships and in other areas and It failed and a lost a lot of time in the process.
I preach to becoming a better version of you so that you attract a man who is already there.



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