One EASY TRICK to Feel Superior to Arch Linux Users!

Описание к видео One EASY TRICK to Feel Superior to Arch Linux Users!

Artix has all the advantages of Arch Linux, it also provides isos with pre-installed graphical environments, but importantly it does not systemd, allows users to dab on others in internet discussions. I installed it on my computer to do testing of LARBS, but it ended up being so seamless I kept it on, despite the fact that I am a confirmed soystemd shill who has defended it in the past.

It has OpenRC, runit and s6 versions (I use runit). You can install the base/minimal install just like how you'd do Arch with minor differences or install one of the many desktop environments: Cinnamon, XFCE, Plasma, LXDE, LXQT, etc.

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