How Freight Brokers & Agents Make Money: A Step-by-Step Guide

Описание к видео How Freight Brokers & Agents Make Money: A Step-by-Step Guide

🔹 Freight Broker & Agent Training - Start from Scratch with No Experience: https://www.howtobecomeafreightbroker...
🔹 Advanced Sales Training for Current Freight Brokers and Agents:
🔹 Book a 1:1 call with me: Between mentoring others, running my brokerage, and spending time with family, my days are pretty full. That’s why I’ve included a 1:1 call as a bonus in each course, it helps me stay balanced while giving you the best value. Thanks so much for understanding!

🔸 Have freight to move? Email me! [email protected]

00:00 – How Freight Brokers and Agents Make Money
00:27 – Receiving Load Details from the Shipper
00:57 – Quoting the Shipper and Making a Profit
01:25 – Coordinating the Shipment with the Carrier
01:52 – Monitoring the Shipment for On-Time Delivery
02:25 – Factoring Explained: Paying Your Carrier and Managing Cash Flow
02:53 – Collecting Your Profit and Wrapping Up

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