I'm not a professional on this topic, this is simply my experience and my own personal journey. This video is not meant to tell you what or what not to do. Please be respectful, I will delete and block any inappropriate comments. Ok. Thanks.

Hey Dolls,

How was your long weekend? Hope you all had fun.

In today's video, I'm doing my makeup while talking all about my IVF/fertility journey. This journey has been one of the hardest ones but def worth every step of the way. Due to my pregnancy brain, I did forget a few things in my story but I think I mentioned the most important, if you have any questions ask away. I'm an open book and if my sharing of my story can help, then I'm happy.

Things I forgot to mention:
Bed rest.
I was put on bed rest in my first trimester due to bleeding. The first time it was very little of it and was asked to go in to check on the baby. Everything was ok but I was put on bed rest for 2 days. The second time it happened there was more blood and I honestly freaked out. I was terrified that the baby could be in danger or worse. We rushed to the clinic to check on the baby once again. Thank God everything was fine but was put on bed rest this time for 3 days. The doctor couldn't tell me why it was happening but was told that if it happened again to go on bed rest for another 2 days. This happened one more time and then it stopped. Bed rest was not fun, literally could not do anything but get up to use the bathroom. I really disliked it but was necessary.

I got a cold.
I got very sick early on in my pregnancy with a cold for a week & half and it was horrible. I was scared that the baby was gonna get affected by it but nope she was fine. I on the other hand was struggling through it. The worse cold I've ever gotten. I was also scared that it was Cvd but thankfully it was not.

High Risk.
Because we got pregnant through IVF and due to my age (35) I'm somewhat considered high risk. So we were referred to a high-risk clinic where they monitor the baby in depth at least once a month. It is an additional cost but my insurance covers 75% of all my appointments. This is also in addition to my regular ob-gyn whom I see once a month and now twice a month that I'm in my 3rd trimester. Although technically I'm considered high risk, there have not been any complications and the baby has been healthy and strong through this whole journey. I pay around $300 for every visit and that's after my insurance pays 75% of it, so as you can imagine it's expensive. The perk of it is that we make sure the baby is fine and we get 3D and 4D images and videos every time we go.

What I did to have a successful IVF.
I prayed a lot, pretty much day and night for this baby, and to this day I keep praying for her.
I did prep my body early on by eating extra healthy, I was vegan so I already did eat quite healthy prior to starting this journey but I took it up a notch.
I started taking prenatal vitamins months in advance, also to prep my body.
I did affirmations such as, "My body is strong and healthy to carry a baby"
"Im pregnant" "I deserve to be a mother" "There is a baby growing inside of me" "My body was made for this" "I deserve motherhood" etc.
I would picture myself holding a baby, or pictured myself with a pregnant belly. I would talk like we were already pregnant.
I did incorporate fish into my diet, at least once a week in the beginning, and stopped after my first trimester.
I have tried to remain as positive as possible & hopeful through this whole journey. I trusted God through it all just like I do daily.

It's my first ever storytime video, let me know what other stories you would like to hear about.

Thanks for watching!
Cyber XO,
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