Proctor's Garden: Winter gardening projects

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There's always something a gardener can do indoors in winter.

Houseplants that have been in their pots for many years likely need repotting. I've put off repotting my variegated ficus trees for way too long.

Here is how to repot them. Select new pots just slightly larger than the old ones, perhaps with a couple more inches on the sides and a few inches at the bottom. Loosen the plants from their old pots with a knife if necessary. Use gravity to get them out of their pots.

Position the plant in the center of the new pot. Don't pot it too high or too low. Pack the new soil in relatively firmly and water.

Ficus trees make great houseplants. They love bright indirect light or even full sun. They can also vacation outside in summer and look striking on a shady porch or patio. The only fuss they make is when they're moved. They might protest by dropping leaves, but don't get overly concerned.

Spider plants are one of the easiest houseplants to grow. They tolerate a wide range of conditions, even low light. They're among the best of plants to filter out pollutants from the air.

Spider plants are exceedingly easy to propagate. You only need to buy one during your entire life. The little offsets that hang from the mother plant can be cut off and inserted in soil. They already have little roots on them. They'll start growing right away.

These new spider plants can be used as filler plants in summer containers, in shade or part sun. They'll grow quickly.

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