TIG tips & RAW clips

Описание к видео TIG tips & RAW clips

I put together several DC steel tig clips, mainly just to show what I’m doing. Sometimes it helps to just sit and watch someone do something without any explanation or direction. I threw in some tips at the first of this video, and followed up with some raw and simple shots of just regular daily tig stuff. At the end you can see how everything comes together.

For the back purge setup, I took an old 20 style torch head & plugged off the back cap and center of the gas lens. This forces clean argon out of the head, just like the welding torch. I made a titanium handle that covers the gas line and attach the purge torch to an argon flow line. I like to run the arc-zone.com monster nozzles in the purge to provide smooth gas distribution and the 12, 14, & 16 size cups give about anything I’m going for.


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