Spot Welding Machine for lithium ion battery using 12v Battery Failed | DIY | Homemade

Описание к видео Spot Welding Machine for lithium ion battery using 12v Battery Failed | DIY | Homemade

Hello viewers, this video is about a failed spot welding machine design. From some days i was looking at homemade DIY spot welding machines on YouTube in which one of the simplest one is using a 12v battery. So i thought i should give it a try and see its performance on 18650 lithium ion batteries. In this process, the user needs a 12v battery, 2 thick wires and probes which are used to spot weld a thin Nickle plate on 18650 battery terminals. So i tried it and explained in this video why it is a failed one.

Spot welding is a type of electric resistance welding used to weld various sheet metal products, through a process in which contacting metal surface points are joined by the heat obtained from resistance to electric current.

The process uses two shaped copper alloy electrodes to concentrate welding current into a small "spot" and to simultaneously clamp the sheets together. Work-pieces are held together under pressure exerted by electrodes. Typically the sheets are in the 0.5 to 3 mm (0.020 to 0.118 in) thickness range. Forcing a large current through the spot will melt the metal and form the weld. The attractive feature of spot welding is that a large amount of energy can be delivered to the spot in a very short time (approximately 10–100 milliseconds). This permits the welding to occur without excessive heating of the remainder of the sheet.

The amount of heat (energy) delivered to the spot is determined by the resistance between the electrodes and the magnitude and duration of the current. The amount of energy is chosen to match the sheet's material properties, its thickness, and type of electrodes. Applying too little energy will not melt the metal or will make a poor weld. Applying too much energy will melt too much metal, eject molten material, and make a hole rather than a weld. Another feature of spot welding is that the energy delivered to the spot can be controlled to produce reliable welds.

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Spot welder
Spot welding
Spot welder machine
Spot welding machine
12v battery
High current
High voltage
High power
18650 battery
lithium ion battery
18650 lithium ion battery
li-ion battery


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