The Hanged Man in 4 Minutes

Описание к видео The Hanged Man in 4 Minutes

The Hanged Man Upright: Looking at things from a completely new perspective. Breaking through long standing habits, limits or patterns. Being true to yourself even if others think you have things upside down. The outsider. A willingness to be uncomfortable in the pursuit of a higher truth. Unconventional behavior. The unexpected. Being hung up about something. Peace during or after a difficult time. Surrendering to the rhythms of life or a life changing, complex situation. Waiting with a purpose. Withdrawing during a time of transformation. A deep desire for change and a willingness to try new things or embrace new ideas to achieve transformation. A sudden jolt of inspiration. Can indicate meditation, a psychic experience or flash of insight, seeking or going deeper into therapy, being open to what has previously been hidden.

The Hanged Man Upright Best Course of Action: Pay attention to any epiphany! Push yourself to see things in a new way. Challenge yourself. Don’t take the easy road. Work through difficult and/or repetitive behaviors or habits. Allow yourself to be uncomfortable in the journey to your greater truth. Embrace change. Stay true to your vision even if others think you have things upside down. Try the unconventional. Be open to that jolt of insight. If someone doesn’t understand, withdraw or do not engage. Look at what you want to change and explore new ways of effecting that change.

The Hanged Man Reversed: Feeling blocked, limited, anxious. Being subjected to and influenced by social pressure. Trying to evade responsibility. Occupied with material matters or using drugs/alcohol to mask or avoid a higher truth. Loneliness, isolation, feeling alone in a crowd. Posturing as though you know the “right “ thing. Feeling caught in a maze, engaging in repetitive, obsessive behavior or thinking. Martyrdom or feeling/behaving as a victim. Guilt. Trying to control others behavior.

The Hanged Man Reversed Best Course of Action: First, now is not the time to upset the apple cart or institute radical change. Stick to traditional ways of doing things before, now is not the time to propose new ideas. Accept what you cannot control. The serenity prayer. Take the time to look at your behaviors or habits which are hanging you up. Be unsettled. Be stuck.


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