Does RBI Print Currency keeping Gold as Reserve? | Israel Jebasingh IAS | Officers IAS Academy

Описание к видео Does RBI Print Currency keeping Gold as Reserve? | Israel Jebasingh IAS | Officers IAS Academy

Israel Jebasingh is an Indian educator and a former Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer who served in West Bengal. He is currently the director of the Officers IAS Academy, Chennai and also teaches Economy.

Officers IAS Academy is the de-rigueur UPSC coaching institution if one is determined to reach LBSNAA. Here, we are driven by an enduring purpose, “Create Better Civil Servants”. We are the Top IAS Academy because we are founded by former Civil Servants who are passionate about shaping you to provide a better future for our proud Nation. Our “Kendraka” or nucleus combines a “Dream Team” faculty, Precision Delivery of the syllabus, a rigorous schedule, a unique mentoring program ‘Hansei’ and a proven pedagogy. Collectively this ensures our students have the experience and confidence to crack the exam.

Officers IAS Academy is the best IAS Academy in Chennai because we perspire to help achieve what you aspire to. We will make your Himalayan dream of joining the Civil Service a reality. Start climbing with us hand in hand and we will make you realize that it is like any other mountain if you climb systematically. We will make your journey to IAS as simple as possible.

#israeljebasingh #rbi #currency


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