Erasmus+: Youth Exchange

Описание к видео Erasmus+: Youth Exchange

Kurt Fitzgerald, student from Dublin, Ireland, Maura Rivabella, student from Costa Vescovato, Italy, Noemi Ramos Villa, student from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, and Ghia Fieandt, student from Helsinki Finland describe their experience in Tortona, Italy through Youth Exchanges, an Erasmus+ programme. During their youth exchange they did all sorts of activities including games, street arts, clownery, and acrobatics. Through that experience, they learned to develop soft skills, the ability to interact with different cultures, and self-confidence to take on challenges. That experience allowed them to experience new cultures and languages. They also improved their English, felt more European than ever, and changed, grew and ended up following very different paths than they initially planned, such enrolling in university and EVS programme.
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