Instinct - Illusions Scene

Описание к видео Instinct - Illusions Scene

LESSON: Recognize Your illusions

Scene: illusions

#lying to yourself
#coping mechanism


Movie: Instinct

- What made you pick me ?

- A look in your eye.

- You seemed to have half a brain.

- Thank you. What look ?

That look--

curious, searching,


slightly pissed off.

Why didn't you pick

your daughter ?

Leave it alone.

- Why do you refuse to talk about her ?

- Leave it.

She wants to see you.

l say we talk about it.


[Pen Clatters Onto Table]

l was wrong

about you, Juha.

- Explain that.

- Tell them to open this door.

You're not the one, Juha.

- I'm not the one ?

- No.

I'm not the one

who cut your medication ?

I'm not the one to say if

you're competent for a hearing,

a chance of getting outta here ?

- I'm the one, Ethan.

- Are you ?

I'm the one.

- The one in control, huh ?

- Yes.

- Who's in control ?

- [ Choking ]

[ Yelling ]

So who is in control, huh ?

Are you ?

Am l ?

The guards outside ?

The warden in his office ?

Yeah ?

Who's in control ?

Testing, testing, testing.

One, two, three, four.

Dr Ethan Powell,

interviewing Dr Theo Caulder.

Now, this will be a very simple test.

Pass or fail, life or death.

Ready, Juha ? Now, you write on

this paper what l have taken from you.

What have you lost ?

Write it ! Write it !

Wrong. You never had control.

You only thought you had it.

An illusion, TabibuJuha !

And what do you control

for sure, huh ?

The volume on your stereo, the air

conditioning in your car ? What else ?

What else ?

All right.

Another chance. You were nervous.

Too much pressure. Try again.

What have you lost ?

What did l take ?

Write it. Write it !

You're a fool, Juha.

- Ha !

- [ Grunts, Pants ]

Did you think

you were free ?

Where were you going at : today ?

into the gym, right ?

in the morning,

your wake-up call.

in the middle of the night when you wake

up sweating, with your heart pounding.

What is it that has you all tied up,

Juha, tied up in little knots ?

Is it ambition ?


You're no mystery

to me, boy.

l used to be you.

Okay. One last chance.

You think l won't do it ?

[ Chuckles ] What's one psychiatrist

less to the world ?

I'm already deep in the pit.

So what can they do to me ?

Last try.

Get it right.

What have you lost ?

What did l take from you ?

Write it.



You're a student,

after all.

And you've lost nothing

but your illusions...

and a little bit

of skin.


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