Teek TLP: Solo Siren's Grotto Adventures - Ranger Edition

Описание к видео Teek TLP: Solo Siren's Grotto Adventures - Ranger Edition

Here are the Highlights from the first week of Velious Launch spent strictly soloing in Siren's Grotto.
(Still using the same gear I was using in Kunark)

Key Points:
-A lot of mobs are HIGHLY Magic Resistant, so the whole Root + Camp Strat does NOT work here a lot of the time
-See Invis is useful here, there are invisible Elementals deeper into the zone
-You can de-agro, and basically swim by, most underwater mobs by pointing your camera up while swimming and bouncing in and out of the water with auto run on
-You can /pick from the CS to the WW zoneline, you can also jump down onto the bridge overhanging the CS zoneline, if there are no picks the front left tube is the one that you swim through (quickly and sometimes with hp pot), or fight through, to get to the WW zoneline.
-Equipping an item with Enduring Breath for a second or two, then unequipping, will refresh your Air timer
-Weaponshield + Origin = Bubble Hearth = Free 'Oh $***' Button. You get a free attempt every hour or so to try to solo new stuff without the risk of dying! Be warned though, casts still get through and can interrupt you!
-Neriad Weaver fight was extremely close, would have been easier with Velious Gear, but I still think most wouldn't be able to do it! (Most can't solo the Blue Named haha) You want to fish for a Earthcaller Proc extremely early, if no proc Weaponshield out and try again later. Use HP Pot Early so you can use a 2nd one. I Defo should not have let Earthcall fall off, that was a serious mistake and almost got me wiped, I had to use Weaponshield to cover it as you can see at the end I drop into the 10's%. Use Optimal Rotation! I actually hadn't remembered to start doing this Optimal Rotation again perfectly at this point.
Optimal Rotation
Auto Attack Round1
Auto Attack Round2
F1+Self-Heal+Tab (as soon as you see Auto Attack Round2)
Rinse repeat. Put up dots only at higher % of HP, Damage spells are not necessary to kill and actually the most efficient damage is pure melee and self-heal.
-Snaring a Mob makes it so they don't path back to where they are supposed to be, until snare wears off?, and can be used to split mobs with zoning agro etc. Also, Snare doesn't seem to wear off, or break, like root does vs High Magic Resist.

Teek TLP
EARLY Velious Era
(Still using the same gear I was using in Kunark)

Level 60 Ranger
Epics + Full Kunark Bis / Kunark Pre-Bis
Dark Cloak of the Sky
All Velious Spells


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