sanjay gandhi national park mumbai borivali | mumbai national park | kanheri caves| SGNP mumbai

Описание к видео sanjay gandhi national park mumbai borivali | mumbai national park | kanheri caves| SGNP mumbai

Bring water and snacks.
Many activities have entry fees.
The park is CLOSED on MONDAY and tourist attractions and facilities are closed for lunch from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM.
You need to pay a refundable deposit to bring plastic water bottles and food items inside.
Park officials usually search bags at the entrance.
The park can get very crowded on weekends, especially on Sunday.

The forest area of the park houses over 1,000 plant species, 251 species of migratory, land, and water birds, 5,000 species of insects, and 40 species of mammals. In addition, the park also provides shelter to 38 species of reptiles, 9 species of amphibians, 150 species of butterflies, and a large variety of fish.

The tiger enclosure now houses five female tigers, including a juvenile, and two male tigers. The expansive 20-hectare space mirrors the tigers' native habitat, creating a more natural and immersive environment.

The Sanjay Gandhi National Park area has a long history dating back to the 4th century BC. In ancient India, Sopoara and Kalyan were two ports in the vicinity that traded with ancient civilizations such as Greece and Mesopotamia. The 45 km (28 mi) land route between these two ports was partially through this forest.

Popularly known as “Krishnagiri Upvan” or “Borivali National Park”,National park is spread over a very vast area of about 104 sq. Km.

Various perennial rivers flow through the reserve viz. Gopad, Banas, Mawai, Mahan, Kodmar, Umrari and others.
Two years ago, a pair of lions was brought to the national park, said Ben Clement, additional principal chief conservator of forests, western wildlife region. "In exchange for the lions, SGNP will provide a pair of tigers to Sakkarbaug zoo," said Clement. The Asiatic lions are being brought for display and breeding.

Situated within the national park is a archeological complex of some 160 rock-cut caves popularly known as the 'Kanheri Caves'. The caves are carved from basalt rock and date from the 1st century BCE to the 10th century CE. Kanheri is derived from Sanskrit word Krishnagiri, which literally means black mountain.

arrying any kind of weapons or firearms is strictly prohibited. Do not play music, nature has better melody to offer here. Listen to it. Smoking and drinking alcohol is strictly

Much of the forest here conforms to the southern mixed-deciduous forest, dominated by the Tectona, Albizzia, Terminalia, Holarrhena, Firmiana, Dalbergia, Garuga, Grewia, Adina, Ficus, Madhuca, Caraya, Butea and bamboo compositions.

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