Ayn Rand on the Democratic Party

Описание к видео Ayn Rand on the Democratic Party

In this April 4,1968 radio address, which followed a critique of the Republican Party, Ayn Rand criticizes Sens. Eugene McCarthy and Robert F. Kennedy. Both were campaigning for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. Rand refers to Johnson's exit from the race, which happened following McCarthy's results in the New Hampshire primary and strong polling generally. She refers to the way LBJ exited as "melodrama" and a "farce," adding that he appeared as a "ham actor playing to a bored gallery."

She reads aloud from commentaries by McCarthy and Kennedy and then critiques their ideas.

Ayn Rand discusses the threat of communism and the solution: "clear policy and a consistent philosophy including a morality that opposes evil of that kind firmly fearlessly and self-righteously."

She also expresses her pride in being an American and discusses why Americans should be proud of their country.

She references religion, collectivism, altruism, and mysticism; the Pope's pronouncements, and the charismatic movement, including one of its leading lights, David du Plessis.

Creative Commons Attribution: Pacifica Radio Archive


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