WARM COMPRESS for BREAST | How To Make a Warm Compress for Breastfeeding and Pumping

Описание к видео WARM COMPRESS for BREAST | How To Make a Warm Compress for Breastfeeding and Pumping

WARM COMPRESS for BREAST | How To Make a Warm Compress for Breastfeeding and Pumping
In this video I share different ways to make a warm compress for your breasts using things you already have at home. I also share my favorite gel pack (Lansinoh Therapearl Gel Packs). A warm compress promotes milk flow, increases circulation, provides therapeutic relief, opens up milk ducts, helps with breast engorgement, clogged ducts and mastitis. Watch this video to learn how to make a warm compress using a diaper. DIY diaper hack is so easy to make. Making a warm compress for breastfeeding and/or pumping has never been so easy. Enjoy!
Lansinoh Therapearl Beads Gel Pack https://amzn.to/2YJ4l0j

✨S U B S C R I B E ✨

▶️ W A T C H N E X T:
Breastfeeding Basics http://bit.ly/2WFPDVO

🤱🏽 FREE DOWNLOAD: Breastfeeding Guide 🤱🏽

🙌🏽 FREE Breast Pump Through Insurance! 🙌🏽
Qualify here ➡️ https://www.tkqlhce.com/click-9296797...

✨D I S C O U N T S ✨
▶️ Baby Buddha Breast Pump
10% off with code PRENATALYINI10 when purchased at https://www.babybuddhaproducts.com

▶️ Save 15% off Motherlove products with promo code PRENATALYINI15

✨ F A V O R I T E P R O D U C T S ✨ https://www.prenatalyini.com/favorite...

✨ Breast Pumps ✨
Haakaa Breast Pump: https://amzn.to/3kYyDFm
Medela Harmony Pump: https://amzn.to/2CF4idF
Baby Buddha Breast Pump: https://amzn.to/325uVRG
Motif Luna (rechargeable battery) https://amzn.to/38xJ8Ki
Motif Luna: https://amzn.to/3eLj686
Spectra S1(rechargeable battery) https://amzn.to/38bnF9r
Spectra S2: https://amzn.to/2NH9mA4

Earth Mama Nipple Cream https://amzn.to/3mBLKvB
Motherlove Nipple Cream https://amzn.to/3mIklbG
Silverette Nursing Cups: https://amzn.to/2CMh49K
Nursing Pillow: https://amzn.to/2Vvl8BJ
Breast Pads: https://amzn.to/2VsUs4P
Nursing-Carseat Cover: https://amzn.to/3idkq5Q
Pumping Hands-Free Bra: https://amzn.to/2BRxRHW
Hot or Cold Breast Therapy Pack: https://amzn.to/2YJ4l0j
Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bags: https://amzn.to/3oeoR2j
Lansinoh mOmma Bottle with Slow Flow Nipple: https://amzn.to/2AdBrM8

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This is NOT a sponsored video.

✨ M E D I C A L D I S C L A I M E R ✨
All information provided on this channel, including all texts, images, and other material are for informational purposes only and should not be considered a replacement for assessment or treatment by a healthcare provider.

✨ A F F I L I A T E D I S C L A I M E R ✨
This description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!

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