Is the Sound of a Conn 10M Tenor Still the best?

Описание к видео Is the Sound of a Conn 10M Tenor Still the best?

Just in to our shop is this gorgeous Conn 10M tenor! This tenor came to us needing only some quick adjustments, as it has just been overhauled in the last 6 months!

$4,150 🔥🔥🔥

The serial number dates this horn to late 1942, placing it in the range of having the highly desirable rolled tone holes. Most of the original cellulose lacquer is intact on this horn, and the classic Lady Face engraving on the bell is popping through beautifully! This tenor has the Conn sound that truly can’t be replicated makes them some of the best sounding saxophones in the world. Don’t miss your chance to own this great-playing Tenor!

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