Glass Strings - A Love Letter to Composers - Crow Hill

Описание к видео Glass Strings - A Love Letter to Composers - Crow Hill

£149 GBP until Dec 1st, 2024

0:00 Sketches and Improvisations
5:26 A Love Letter to Composers
8:30 Longs and Layers (CSS, Tina Guo)
14:52 Sul Tasto, Sul Pont, Harmonic
17:55 Pont X, Sustain, Free Bow, Tremolo
20:48 Cello and Bass part 1, mono filter
22:34 Cello+Bass part 2, Ark 2, Bernard Herrmann
26:28 Tip: Add Art to KS
26:58 Beautiful Thing
31:39 Transposing Gestures
34:36 Gesture Workflow Considerations
36:26 Motors, Modes & more Transposition
39:46 Velocity Mode
41:12 Naming Gestures, Scoopy, Leapzilla
42:43 Movements (trying at least)
43:26 Rubbing, Circular, Misalign
46:33 Automation in Studio One 5.x
48:16 Glass EQ pt 1 (some layering with TSS)
52:00 User Interface Niggles in 1.0.2
52:53 It's Easy to Write with Glass Strings
1:01:31 Layering: TSS, Tina Guo, CSS, OT Berlin
1:07:58 Is It REALLY Easier to Write with?
1:12:05 Writing Something "Holiday"
1:20:00 Spring improv (Gesture)
1:21:18 Movements (trying again)
1:25:15 Plucks and other Shorts
1:33:58 Shorts Inspired this "Pop" Sketch
1:35:34 Talking Shorts
1:37:08 Reverb Size (Hall)
1:37:34 Changing Keyswitches, Timestretching
1:38:04 Who Is This For? (and not)
1:42:39 Glass EQ pt 2, Recap
1:46:08 Presets
1:47:39 Talking: Recap / Review / Wrap up pt 1
1:54:02 Talking: "Showstoppers" (for some)
2:05:03 How I Will Use It, Wrap up pt 2
2:12:50 outro: Beautiful Thing (before editing)

Thank you to Crow Hill for the complimentary review copy

Glass Strings - A Love Letter to Composers - Crow Hill

Selected Marketing copy: “Finally a library that will do everything you need to create seminal string music. Whether that be for film, TV, computer games or pop tracks. There is a secondary desire to share my self-taught understanding of making music that tells stories, to people who fear that they are unable. I want to prove there is nothing to fear.

“We commissioned a small ensemble of musicians who could bring their own personality creativity and open mindedness to the sampling process. We asked them to throw out all pre-conceptions about how to approach these recordings and gave them one simple rule - Make EVERY note sound different. Glass strings is the result of these extensive work-shops where each and every member brought new ideas and novel playing styles to the table and bounced off each other to create an extraordinary set of tools. The whole library has been masterfully tracked by David Donaldson with a single brief 'we want to hear each individual player'.”


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