三五成群失业的女人 到处都是孤独的老人 农村集镇China Street Photography Blog Mainland Life Report

Описание к видео 三五成群失业的女人 到处都是孤独的老人 农村集镇China Street Photography Blog Mainland Life Report

三五成群失业的女人 到处都是孤独的老人 农村集镇China Street Photography Blog Mainland Life Report
时下流行一句,城市套路深,我想回农村。江南雨季,冒雨访问了武汉远郊的农村集镇,孤独的老人用车推着自己的宠物一个人在大马路行走 ,失业的大叔在马路边等活,菜市场农民在出售地里种的各种农作物,三五成群的女人在街道巷子里等工作,民生艰难。回到视频开始,农村现在也没有什么就业机会,农产品卖不掉,到处是失业的群众,倒闭的店铺。
感谢朋友们观看我的频道,这是一个看大陆的窗口 。

There is a popular saying nowadays: the city is full of tricks, I want to go back to the countryside. In the rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River, I visited a rural market town in the suburbs of Wuhan in the rain. A lonely old man was walking alone on the main road with his pet in a cart. An unemployed uncle was waiting for work on the side of the road. Farmers in the vegetable market were selling various crops grown in the fields. Groups of women were waiting for work in the streets and alleys. People's livelihood was difficult. Back to the beginning of the video, there are no employment opportunities in the countryside now, agricultural products cannot be sold, there are unemployed people everywhere, and closed shops.
Thank you friends for watching my channel, this is a window to see the mainland.



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