Jubilee: A Year of Restoration - Tony Nguyen

Описание к видео Jubilee: A Year of Restoration - Tony Nguyen

Passage: Leviticus 20:26
Sermon Notes:
Part 1: Leviticus 20:26
1. Jubilee: A year of Restoration
a. The book of Leviticus is to point you towards Holiness
i. God dwells with His people
1. Frightening
2. Amazing
ii. Levitical laws that allow Gods people to draw close to Him.
1. Law for Holiness in the Priests (Lev 1-15)
2. Law for Holy Place (Day of Atonement) (Lev 16)
3. Law for Holiness in People (Lev 17-27)
b. The book of Leviticus is to show you none can be Holy
i. You cannot do it on your own
c. The book of Leviticus is point you towards Jesus
i. True and Perfect Priest, Person, Sacrifice
1. Brings Complete Restoration Luke 4:18-19
ii. He restores us to be a vessel of restoration
1. Restoration of our relationship to HIM
2. Restoration of our own SELF in Light of Jesus
3. Restoration of our relationship to OTHERS
4. Restoration of our relationships with THINGS
5. Restoration of our MISSION to the CITY
Part 2: Leviticus 25:8-12; 39-40
1. The Year of Liberty and Release
a. Jubilee of the land (Liberty)
b. Jubilee of the people (Release)
2. Proclaiming liberty
a. Proclaim Liberty for the poor/in need of second chances
b. Jesus is true and perfect Jubilee

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