How To Deploy Docker Containers in UNRAID (including from Private Docker Registries)

Описание к видео How To Deploy Docker Containers in UNRAID (including from Private Docker Registries)

Let's look at how to deploy Docker Containers in UNRAID (not the ones from the Community Apps store but actually standard/generic Docker containers from both Public and Private hosted Docker Registries). In this tutorial, we'll cover how to deploy public Docker Images from DockerHub as well as Docker Images from Private Registries (and how we can authetnicate UNRAID to these private Docker Registries). I also cover a few hints, tips and tricks along the way too!

* Deploying a Docker Container from a public DockerHub image 1:39
* Deploying a Docker Cotnainer from a private registry 10:12
* Advanced Docker Container example (mouting volumes, environmental variables and other tips and tricks) 17:52

#unraid #docker #nas #homelab #server #containerization #registry #authentication #containeised


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