Love Hour malpractice, classic knicker dropper exposed as fraud. Truth told I never noticed it.

Описание к видео Love Hour malpractice, classic knicker dropper exposed as fraud. Truth told I never noticed it.

Whilst performing a 1991 romantic croon hit focusing on a pining soccer wife I realised that the song is most probably a complete and utter fraud that has conned lovers of ballad pop for over a quarter of a century.

Ironically my discovery happened at 4am whilst smoking cigarettes and attempting to cover it, for my personal enjoyment. The song resembles a second hand w/o chop in change Gluaistean sold by some dodgy back street mechanic. I was pretending to be Barry Manilow at the time, I feel upset about that a little. Not that i discovered the fraud, but that I had been crooning the song at that moment i realised what a pile of concocted crap it is. Not only is it bland sentimental drivel but it is a lasily written, radio promoted, blandly sounding fraud.

I feel spirituality violated.

Dusty Springfield - if you are someone who is infatuated with what I am you should take this opportunity to explore her amazing existence and her contribution to the entire planet, she not just a pretty face. She reminds me of the 60's in London.

Noel Gallagher has been nominated to become a Dublin Duck. Great to have you on board Noel. Enjoy the summer, I need to get Brian Ferry's number, i know you have it, go on. Tell Brian that the ducks need some loving and we miss him being our slave.

Up the ducks , Up the ducks .... can you see where that goes ? He He.

If you can't i need to see you in my office after your idiocy has been exposed. I do not offer refunds. Beverly Craven has to answer so give her the full treatment. I am getting serviced after the glut plateaus.

I will be boycottin the news next week, i always do, but i need the towel if possible i actually wiped a messy one last night . I have 2 small axes for sale, dm for bargains.

A dick is a dick a duck is a duck is a overweight mallard that copulates via extra melt technique. You should see how ducks copulate, don't google it either. Get off your arse and read about the merits of Mallards group tectonics, game theory ( Get it ) and of course mating order when prepping ducks for fucking. It is an astonishing process regrettably deemed unsuitable for viewing by most terrestrial TV networks. Keep reading please, i will get there. It kind of reminds me of the time I sat alone in an apartment in Heidelberg with the duchess of Copenhagen. I elected to act coy but she insisted on playing drunken hop scotch which gorgeously evolved on the rugged floor and couch for some divine heavy petting and trouser crunching. Sublime stuff. But the Mallards follow different techniques. Such as my sanguine encounter with Scandinavian nobility, you would witness the entire Rugby League Squad from Keighley RFC, fighting, kicking and rooting their way to ground zero, including homosexual or warm up copulation fit for a Bacchaluvian feast. As in the god of wine and yes I do make up words that don't exist, I enjoy the creativity of it. As much as gang banging Mallards might around mating season. Only big Phil speaks like that btw.

Buiness Cards are not welcome. this is not a charity it is a movement, there will be no turning back. Don't flinch, everything happens for a reason, but only if I raise the reason to enforce it. I am a 1500 year old warlock,I was that ugly screaching noise you heard 5 minutes ago and as you read this I am standing directly behind you breathing foully down your sweaty neck. Don't move an inch, stay very still. Keep reading.

Craven Fans should burn that shit, Publicly. I am trying to invite Milli Vanilli over to ask them how much riding they got out of pretending to be something they aren't.

The sunset was mediocre. Great to hear from Captain Ramius again. About turn 2 plus half plus 2 plus rudder accelerate full throttle ahead.... on my mark....

One PING only.


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