Foamer gets mad and tries to be bossy over the NKP 765

Описание к видео Foamer gets mad and tries to be bossy over the NKP 765

This video was taken at approx.3:40pm on Sunday May 26, 2013 at the N.E Stone Quarry, 5 miles south of Tyrone Pa off of rt 453. Here is a perfect example of a Foamer taking Trains just a little too serious. Just about any spot you go to see the NKP 765 there is going to be lots of spectators, some who like trains more than others. As the NKP approachers you'll hear a foamer yell "Hey, back up", like he's the boss of the Stone Quarry or It would have been one thing to say it nicer or at least just ask. I guess he didn't want anyone in his "shot" but he thought it was Ok to yell in everyone else's. Not that I cared cause I'm not trying to win an Oscar or anything, I kinda felt bad for the couple. We were talking for about 20 mins before the NKP arrived, they were really kind. You can see the reaction of the couple on the right of the screen. After the video I couldn't help myself from mocking the foamer a little bit in defense of the couple I'd just met, plenty loud enough for him to hear. Not to mention he was trespassing practically standing on the tracks. For those of you thinking I am trespassing at the Quarry, I've asked permission to be there from the security guys and it's Ok. All you foamers can thumbs down this video. hahahaha


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