Secret files Porton Down

Описание к видео Secret files Porton Down

In the 1950s and 1960s, cold war paranoia brought fears of a Soviet threat that led the British government and scientists to prepare for possible biologic warfare attacks.

The state conducted covert and malignant experiments on a broad array of unsuspecting people - both army personnel AND CIVILIANS - were experimented on under a cloak of secrecy from air, sea and land.

'National security', (ring any bells?), during the 50's and 60's was the cover for the British Government to conduct what I can only describe as 'terror atrocities' on its own people, evidence of which can be seen in the documentary.

It is known that Army personnel were misled about these secret tests, and the public (in the west country) were preyed on by the crazy conglomerate of scientists and prominent government personnel who sprayed the area with life damaging and life-threatening, micro-organisms.

Now as terrorism fills the void of 'inter-continental aggression' left behind by nation state threats, a new era of perpetual war raises it's head once more.

As a result, the 21st Century see's more enhanced microorganisms being developed which means more life-threatening experiments could:

1) already be underway,
2) in a stage of advanced preparation.

As accountability has never been sourced for the Porton Down experimentation programme, any area of Britain and any one of us could be selected for poisoning and death - by our own government - who will still be exempt from the law.

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