Creating a Meadow-Learn from an expert at Longwood Gardens!

Описание к видео Creating a Meadow-Learn from an expert at Longwood Gardens!

Meadows are a great way to create diverse ecosystems that sustain many insects, birds and other wildlife. With proper planning, homeowners can include meadows of any size from a few square feet to acres on their property. They are sustainable landscapes that require much less input from the gardener and conserve natural resources. Learn the tricks from Longwood Gardens (Kennett Square, PA) expert Dr. Lea Johnson on how to create and maintain a meadow, specific native plants to use that support pollinators throughout the gardening season, and challenges to consider. Check out the many examples shown of life supported by Longwood's meadow, including butterflies, bees, birds, (including bluebirds), bunnies, and so much more! This video discusses maintenance and mowing, as well as how Longwood maintains its meadow through burning. Dr. Johnson discusses surprises and how one will be amazed at the various life that appears in these biodiverse ecosystems. See if you can count all the butterflies that fly through while the video was being filmed! #meadowgarden #pollinatorgarden #ecologicallysustainable #ecologicallandscaping #nativeplants #naturalgarden #meadows #butterflygarden #nativeplantgarden #gardening #garden #sustainablegardening #landscaping #ecofriendlygarden #gardenideas #longwoodgardens #gardeningforbirds #gardeningforbeginners


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