People, Place and Sport / Artist Interview with Jaskirt Boora

Описание к видео People, Place and Sport / Artist Interview with Jaskirt Boora

Artist Jaskirt Boora explores the role of gender and ethnicity in sport through a series of photographic portraits and recorded conversations. People, Place and Sport – a collaboration with Multistory – is a celebration of local communities and grassroots sport in the West Midlands.

Jaskirt has been capturing inspiring images at much-loved sporting hubs on a weekly basis along with conversations with people in the community about what sports means to them. These will be exhibited as an outdoor exhibition in two parts: a community exhibition from April to August 2022, at eight local sites across Birmingham and Sandwell and a large-scale outdoor exhibition from July to August 2022, at Sandwell Valley country park.

Multistory is pleased to be working with the Birmingham 2022 Festival, the six-month arts festival for the city and wider West Midlands, and with Creative Producer Jenny Moore, designer and fabricator Matt Moore, Blind Mice Design, and Iain Armstrong of Phonoscope.

People, Place and Sport is supported by Arts Council England and National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Multistory is grateful for revenue support from Sandwell Council and Arts Council England.


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