Touhou 19 Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost - Lunatic Zanmu 1cc

Описание к видео Touhou 19 Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost - Lunatic Zanmu 1cc

first attempt, you may notice me testing the charges and trying to
get used to the movement speed on first 2 stages
uploading this since it is the last shot
honestly wasnt really hard, just need to play it slowly on reimu to avoid getting YYDO simulator'd - I havent seen her last 2 attacks so you can see me panic a lot lmao
now that every shot is done, here are my ratings (these are for story mode, vs mode is an entirely different world that I havent delved into yet, but I am excited about it)

what in the world is this: Chiyari
S: Reimu, Enoko
A: Marisa, Seiran, Yachie, Suika, Zanmu
B: Ran, Yuuma
C: Tsukasa, Saki, Biten
D: Aunn, Hisami
E: Mamizou, Sanae
F: Nazrin
Z: Orin

what in the world is this: you know a shot is broken if you can finish the late game bosses in like 1-2 minutes without shooting their bosses down. this shot is SO broken it's insane

S: these shots have strong lvl2s that also delete bullets (enoko's lvl1 also deletes bullets), takes care of their route pretty well

A: these shots either have good damage or good bullet cancelling, but not both. their routes aren't too bad either

B: ran has pretty good damage, while she fights chiyari, her scope is good enough to handle her stupidity for a while. also st6 yuuma isnt that hard. as for yuuma, her route takes a while but lvl1/2 spam deletes bullets, you can constantly spam these (do not spam lvl2s on zanmu or you will be met with walls, use them sparingly) to clear the bullets around you. pretty handy tbh. the downside is that you wont be able to damage the enemies much while doing this.

C: none of these shots have good damage. especially tsukasa. biten's lvl2 charge is pretty good but that's the only good thing about her really. saki's and tsukasa's charges are not that useful, but their routes are not that hard. saki's zanmu was by far the worst (along with sanae), tsukasa overall was pretty weak but that was the only problem. as for biten, suika sucked with her especially when she constantly moved down on her final. mentos walls are Not Nice

D: okay this is where it gets kinda annoying. aunn is not that bad until st6 yachie. first half is usually the crazier part here and you need to make sure that you can use iframes effectively, moreso than the other stages she had to go through. second half isnt too bad though. hisami fights chiyari which is Annoying, and her zanmu is also not very nice since half of her shots Loves Targetting Things That Are Not Relevant To What I Want To Do At All.

E: mamizou's chiyari is terrible. that is why she is so low on the list. her zanmu is actually pretty okay since you can just stock bombs on the first half and then you can skip the final 2 spells. as for sanae, her shield chaining is what saves her from going lower on the tierlist. the biggest issue with her was zanmu's final, where you constantly get bombarded with bullets. it is VERY hard to kill bosses as sanae, and constantly charging lvl3s while I get bombarbed by bacteria isnt exactly easy (this excludes all the other parts of the stage too, like pellets, enemies and ex attacks)

F: why. why. what is this focus speed. how do you dodge ANYTHING with this speed?????? not to mention her focus shot aiming at things you Dont Want It To Aim In The First Place, so you end up doing no focus in most of the run. even then, her damage is terrible it is not possible to reliably kill bosses. her enoko is actually very problematic because of that. and her yachie is terrible because if you use your lvl2 to kill otters, you will just get more, making the stage even crazier, you lose some, you lose some more! she does get some iframes from lvl2, but it is nowhere near aunn's level of usefulness. yachie's last 2 patterns are especially annoying for nazrin.

Z: bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh
low damage, low charge damage, lvl2 is good but it causes chaos on some bosses in which you dont want to have chaos in the first place, and it can randomly kill you????????? WHY
she has a horrible chiyari, even worse than mamizou's, and you cant just lose like 4 lives to her either because orin's zanmu is also not good either. as mamizou, at least you were able to skip the hard part very easily. not with orin you can't. playing passively is your best bet against her. I did try to use lvl2s sometimes to kill the patterns but nerves of dying randomly definitely made me avoid going for it a lot. it really doesn't get any worse than this honestly.


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