Common Skin Allergies in Children - Dr. Aruna Prasad

Описание к видео Common Skin Allergies in Children - Dr. Aruna Prasad

Skin allergies in children can be of various types usually they run in families such as allergies. So parents, grandparents, maternal uncles or aunt's, one of them will have history of allergies. It could be asthma, hay fever, eosinophilia or even seasonal allergies. So try to take down the history. Along with that try to identify any food allergies occur due to food, also it could be due to pollen from plants ask if the child goes near a garden or any play area where there are lot of plants and also it could be mites like dust mites etc. So probably these are the common factors which one can be allergic to. There are other allergies like contact allergic dermatitis to metal, leather and so many other factors. Probably by ruling out one by one we can come to an assessment whether it is a food allergy or any type of allergy. Allergies don't have to start immediately after eating or exposing to allergic, it can be after 24-48 hours. So taking a proper history, knowing what all they are exposed to and family history is very important. If this is not possible there is always tests to be done to know allergies. If it is a contact allergy we do patch test. If it is something to do with food we can do a prick test. Consult your dermatologists definitely they will help you with this.


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