World Of Warcraft Quest Info: Blessings of the Ancients

Описание к видео World Of Warcraft Quest Info: Blessings of the Ancients

Quest: Blessings of the Ancients
WOW Quest ID: 9785
Loremaster: Zangarmarsh
Side: Both
Start: Windcaller Blackhoof
End: Windcaller Blackhoof

Windcaller Blackhoof wants you to speak to the ancients Ashyen and Keleth at Cenarion Refuge and obtain their blessings.

You've earned the trust of the Cenarion Expedition, Weronica. It is time you spoke to the ancients allied with our cause, Ashyen and Keleth, and asked for their blessing.
Carrying the mark of an ancient will fill you with great power. These boons will become more powerful as your renown among us increases.
Go, Weronica, and ask the ancients for their blessing.

/*** All other languages ***/
DE: Der Segen der Uralten
ES: Bendición de los ancestros
FR: La bénédiction des anciens
IT: La benedizione degli antichi
PT: Bênção dos anciãos
RU: Благословение Древ
KR: 고대정령의 축복
CN: 古树的祝福
TW: 古樹的祝福


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