Museum Symposium November 30/2024: Ted Barris

Описание к видео Museum Symposium November 30/2024: Ted Barris

The Museum of the RCMI held its annual history symposium on Nov 30. Theme was 100 Years of the RCAF. Presenters Randy Wakelam, Mike Bechtold, Alex Fitzgerald-Black (Juno Beach Centre), Ted Barris and John Bullen (Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum) looked at the RCAF's history through a variety of lenses.

A Member of the Order of Canada, TED BARRIS is a celebrated journalist, broadcaster, and author of over 20 books, including ‘Battle of Britain: Canadian Airmen in Their Finest Hour’. His award- winning works explore Canadian military history, such as Dam Busters, which received the RCAF Association NORAD trophy. He also taught journalism for 18 years and continues to write the column and blog ‘Barris Beat’.

The RCMI Museum is actively seeking donations of modern military artifacts to expand our collection, If you have items to contribute, please contact the Museum Curator, Randa Bustami, for more information: [email protected]


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