श्रम और शारीरिक शोषण के चक्र में फंसा आदिवासी | Tribal trapped in cycle of exploitation

Описание к видео श्रम और शारीरिक शोषण के चक्र में फंसा आदिवासी | Tribal trapped in cycle of exploitation

Alirajpur district is primarily inhabited by the Bhil tribe and was identified as the poorest district in India by Niti Aayog in 2021. The region witnesses significant migration of Adivasis who often work as agricultural labourers and in construction. When they leave their native areas, they are vulnerable to various forms of exploitation. Additionally, Alirajpur faces challenges related to human trafficking, particularly affecting women. These issues underscore the economic and social challenges that the Adivasi community in Alirajpur district continues to grapple with.


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