🇫🇷 The House of Saint Bernadette at Lourdes, France

Описание к видео 🇫🇷 The House of Saint Bernadette at Lourdes, France

In the first half of this video, the house where Saint Bernadette Soubirous lived with her family is featured. Before Our Lady's apparitions, the Saint and her family lived elsewhere. This house is known by two different names, signifying the origin and the growth of the house, such as "Paternelle de Saint Bernadette" or the "Paternal House of Saint Bernadette Soubirous" and "Moulin Lacade' or "Lacade' Watermill". Reverend Abbot Peyramale, the parish priest at the time of apparitions, recognised that the Subirous family needed a better place to call home as Bernadette's were facing financial difficulties. Abbot Peyramele gifted this house to Bernadette and her family and the ownership has not changed ever since. The house still has furniture, objects and pictures belonged to the Soubirous family members of Bernadette's generation; including Saint Bernadette and her siblings. The descendants of Saint Bernadette still runs and looks after every item with care and respect.
The second half of the video features the ancient Château Fort de Lourdes, a historic castle located in Lourdes. Besieged in 778 by the famous Charlemagne, it was passed into the possession of Counts of Champagne. Champagne was a part of the Kingdom of Navarre before coming under the Crown of France, ruled byPhilippe le Bel. After several rulers, including the English and several roles including that of a prison, the Château Fort de Lourdes became "Musée Pyrénéen" or the "Pyrenean Museum" in 1921 and remains the same. The building is also classified as a historical building, recognising the origin and age.


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