70th National Square Dance Convention Highlights

Описание к видео 70th National Square Dance Convention Highlights

The 70th National Square Dance Convention was held at the Jackson Convention Complex in Jackson, Mississippi from June 23-26, 2021. Over 1,800 dancers from 46 states traveled to "the City with Soul" for square dancing, round dancing, clogging, contras, and line dancing. There were over 170 dance leaders calling and cueing throughout 13 halls starting at 10:00am and dancing until 11:00pm each evening.
The convention featured the annual Caller School sponsored by Grand Square Inc. (www.gsicallerschool.com) from Sunday through Wednesday morning. GSI sponsored Tuesdays Trail-End Dance at the Convention Center. Wednesday afternoon was a "Welcome to Jackson" Mainstream Dance followed by the Opening Ceremonies. Each evening, the Ghost Rider's Square Dance band performed. There were three round dance halls as well as a contra, line dance and clogging hall.
Next year's convention will be in Evansville, IN from June 22-25th. For more information, visit www.71nsdc.org.


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