Call of Shame - Wrong Identity by Rara and parroted by Headdband

Описание к видео Call of Shame - Wrong Identity by Rara and parroted by Headdband

There's 4 reasons why Call of Shame is not Knoxiiszn;
1. The StreamForge API points 'Goonsquad' to Doug 'Censor' ~A0iYT (first to notice API errors)
2. CoS's, and alt "SuperGirl" account, are from UK. Knoxiiszn claims to be from Canada. (cannot be verified at this time) Why would CoS be smart enough to edit a Description in one, but not the other? Only forgetting the Location.
3. If you search YouTube, both BBB and CoS have made videos on Knoxiiszn. Why would CoS make a video posting their own face?
4. On Stream Forge, from Call of Shame you can go to Knoxiiszn. You can't go from Knoxiiszn to Call of Shame. This is due to bad API linking.

Still working on the basement, my office is slowly getting done too. All while juggling two 7mo twins, a 2yo daughter in preschool and my 6yo son in kindergarten. Life has been really busy!


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