Jensen Huang’s Speech At CalTech|黃仁勳加州理工演講

Описание к видео Jensen Huang’s Speech At CalTech|黃仁勳加州理工演講

California Institute of Technology (CalTech) held its 130th graduation ceremony on June 14. Nvidia founder and CEO Jensen Huang was invited to share his unique insights on the artificial intelligence revolution, the extraordinary journey of transforming into an AI company, as well as his life insights, encourage graduates to stand at the forefront of the times, "face difficulties and seize opportunities", create a brilliant career and life, "run or not walk" in this revolution.

加州理工學院(California Institute of Technology, CalTech)6月14日(周五)舉行第130屆畢業典禮,輝達(Nvidia)創始人兼首席執行官黃仁勳受邀分享人工智慧革命的獨到見解,輝達轉型為AI公司的非凡歷程,以及他的人生感悟,勉勵畢業生站立時代潮頭,「迎難而上抓住機會」,在人工智慧領域大展拳腳,開創輝煌的事業和人生,在這場革命中「要跑不要走」。


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