Vudo - Broken Hopes

Описание к видео Vudo - Broken Hopes


Broken hopes, like whispered secrets
Fade away with each passing day
In this melancholy symphony, I find my peace
A fragile melody that won't betray.

Beneath the moon's indifferent gaze, I wander
Through the wreckage of promises unkept
These broken hopes, like whispered echoes
Haunt the alleys of my heart, where shadows wept.

Broken hopes, like whispered secrets
Fade away with each passing day
In this melancholy symphony, I find my peace
A fragile melody that won't betray.

Through misty windows, I watch the world
A canvas of gray, where love once bloomed
The neon lights flicker, a distant promise
But broken hopes linger, refusing to be consumed.

The rain falls softly on the city streets
Echoing the tears I can't conceal
Lost in memories, I wander aimlessly
Chasing shadows, hoping to heal.

Broken hopes, like whispered secrets
Fade away with each passing day
In this melancholy symphony, I find my peace
A fragile melody that won't betray.

Broken hopes, like whispered secrets
Fade away with each passing day
In this melancholy symphony, I find my peace
A fragile melody that won't betray.


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